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The Sound of Settling - Death Cab for Cutie

I've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots; that my tongue is tied off
My brain's repeating if you've got an impulse, LET IT OUT!
but they never make it past my mouth
Bop Ba...) This is the sound of settling (Bop Ba, bop ba...)
(Bop Ba...) This is the sound of settling (Bop Ba, bop ba...)
Our youth is fleeting, old age is just around the bend and I can't wait to go gray
And I'll sit an wonder of every love that could have been
If I'd only thought of something charming to say
(Bop Ba...) This is the sound of settling (Bop Ba, bop ba...)
(Bop Ba...) This is the sound of settling (Bop Ba, bop ba...)
I've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots

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